Drum sticks+Metronome=Daily Practice!!

Drum sticks+Metronome=Daily Practice!!
I don't really pratice daily....T.T

Black-The Death of Democracy in the state of Perak

Well, well. I guess most people who follow up the national news knows that Perak State has recently fallen in the clutches of BN ( for foreign readers, BN is the Federal Goverment party).

I'm sure many of you out there have received either text messages or e-mail asking everyone to wear black on 10th February (tomorrow) in support of the opposition and also to mourn the death of democracy in Perak. It is also said to be a symbol in criticising the Perak Sultan in choosing the option of NOT having a re-election after three Pakatan members jumped-ship (rumoured to have been bribed to do so).

Anyway, whatever "rumoured" to have happened is none of my business. Personally I think having this kind of siltent protest is a good way of showing how the people feel without resorting to violent demonstration or extreme ways of protests.

I reckon we'll not only be seeing plenty of black dressed civilians grouped together at a certain shouting slogans and protests but being plain as day walking down the street, grocery shopping in Tesco or even chatting with colleagues in the school staff rooms.

It'll be quite a sight when most of Perak residents donn their respective black garments be it exquisite tailor-made tuxedos or the most plain T-shirt with a mickey mouse in white silloute printed at the back of it. I hope no other demonstrations except the silent one is carried out tomorrow. Perakians tend to be a peace and loving community and riots are not a common sight for the past 51 years.

Let us all hope no-one gets hurt in the effort of protesting tomorrow as it is alread a sad enough day when Perak has lost its democracy.


Christy said...

Hey.. Mind update me bout the incident? I'm sooo outdated these days.. Dui..

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